1950's house · DIY · shelle's ideas

Big Sister Room


I have 42 days until my new baby arrives, and I just got her big sisters room completed. I decided, since I have a 4 year old, to give the BIG SISTER and new room instead of adding one more ‘for the baby’ thing for her to deal with. I think it was a good idea. I mean big sister LOVES her new room, but did it make her grateful? Does anything make a 4 year old grateful? (Please, if you have the answer to this question, leave it in the comments section below!)

However, we love her room make over. And, we love our daughter. No matter how bossy, demanding and ungrateful she acts. She is 4, and God help us, one day she will grow up to be a considerate, respectful, loving and kind person. She has her moments!

So, our house is about 50 years old. I had a lot of prep work to do before I really started with the fun stuff. I wrote a post about how I fixed the cracks in the walls. You can find that here. I was super proud of myself.  At 7 months pregnant, I strapped on my respirator, climbed up the ladder and tackled those cracks like I had been doing drywall repair for years. #LIKEABOSS.

After I cleaned up all the drywall dust it was finally time to get to the fun stuff! And it’s a 4 year old girls room so there is A LOT of fun stuff going on in there! Fresh new paint color and trim, blackout cellular blinds and DIY curtain rod, glittery outlet covers and switch plates, DIY light fixture,  hot pink side table makeover, DIY modern rustic bookshelf, DIY mermaid tail wall art, mermaid bed sheets, hot pink closet, the coolest hot pink rug . . . . . . . . . the list goes on. This room is Sweeeet! And it was all done by me, 7-8 months pregnant. I feel pretty good about all that!

*disclosure* We are not rich, and I try not to spoil my darling too rotten. But I do think it is important to make sure she knows she matters. Now she has a pretty bad ass room, that will hopefully transition with her through the ages. So, time to pull back the reigns! 

The first MAJOR fun thing was obviously the paint. The previous color was gross. I think I would call it rotten guacamole. Not pretty. And boy was I AMAZED with the paint I bought. So, I can now admit, I am in love with a paint! I have used SO MANY different kinds of paint, Valspar, Clark & Kensington, Best Look, Glidden, KILZ  . . . . .  . the list goes on, just reference the cabinet in my garage! But, are you ready for this? The BEST paint in the whole world, that I am absolutely in love with is Behr paint, from Home Depot. I used a color named silver bullet. I was a-freakin-mazed at how well ONE COAT covered my old, nasty walls. It was thick but not tacky and it is so beautifully reflective and I am really just so amazed that it covered so well with one coat. Now what am I going to paint with the other gallon I bought?!?

I’m serious. I love this paint. I won’t be using anything else. I’ll make sure to let you know how beautifully it works in my kitchen. (Can you say ‘nesting’???)

I bought the cheaper paint for the hot pink (Very Berry) closet. Glidden, I can’t even say you come in a close second. I was seriously disappointed with this paint, and a little frustrated by my 3rd coat. The paint is thin, and I am not happy with it at all. I won’t be making that mistake again.


There was a lot if DIY’ing going on in this room. Like I mentioned earlier, we are not rich folks. We are frugal and handy. We bought second hand stuff and transformed what we had with a fresh coat of paint,some glitter and some ingenuity.




This girl LOVES her room!


The mermaid sheets were purchased a while back from the Company Store and unfortunately they don’t sell this kind anymore. But they DO have another print that is really cute! And I made the mermaid tail art to match them, since about 75% of the time my daughter is hoping, wishing, pretending to be a mermaid. But hey, who doesn’t love mermaids? Mermaid hair, don’t care!



And the rug. The rug really completed the whole room. It’s beautiful, it’s funky and it feels so good! I was a little scared about buying a rug online but I am so happy it turned out great. This rug is polypropylene so it doesn’t shed and is resistant to color fade, and did I mention that it feels so good?! I put an UltraPlush rug pad underneath and I think (and my mother told me!) that it helps add to the longevity and durability of the rug. It also makes the rug seems thicker and more expensive, for just an extra $40, it’s well worth it!


So there it is. The room makeover of 2017. Isn’t it so fun! I love it!




One last thing. If you love my mermaid tail art it can be yours! Just like my Facebook Page and share this post or follow my blog and you will be entered into the contest to win these free digital downloads!


I printed off these designs I created in Adobe Illustrator, onto card stock and glued them onto some other paper that I let my daughter paint, with glitter of course. She LOVED being involved in the creation of her wall art. And mermaid tales and glitter, come on! Who doesn’t like that?





2 thoughts on “Big Sister Room

  1. Hi you asked if a four year old can be grateful. I don’t think they are able to show gratitude in the way we adults perceive it. But just the fact she loves her new big girl room id her 4 year old way to show gratitude. When she is older she will show her gratitude in a myriad of ways. And most importantly just love the fact you did this just for her😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Karen! This makes me feel so much better. I know 4 year olds are their own special creatures and I am keeping the faith that her Dad, myself and her family will teach her how to be a capable, compassionate, respectful human being!


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